Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To blog or not to blog?

To blog or not to blog? - that is the question.  As many times I've tried to get in the habit, I find myself starting strong and then falling short.  It's not because I don't have anything to say.  Those of you that know me know that's not the case.  It's more about finding the time, finding confidence in my ability to censor myself when appropriate, and finding a way to hit the "publish post" button without rereading and rewriting a thousand times.  That and I have been struggling a bit with my current position.

I find myself frustrated with the issues I am spending so much time on.  Grade books that don't work how they should, missing mice (or is it mouse?) balls etc etc.  Issues like this are not the reason I am in the education business nor are they the reason I took my current job.  I took this job because I saw it as an opportunity to make a difference beyond my own classroom - a window of opportunity to help fellow teachers and their students find their own windows of opportunity in learning, connecting, and growing as both individuals and as a community.  Admittedly, I haven't seem much of that lately.  The windows are probably there but I have been lost in a world of password resets, tech support calls, and networking issues.  All important things that need attention just not what I would prefer to focus on.  That being said, I have read some great blogs recently.  

Those blogs are the positive thing I have been looking for recently.  People are thinking about education, students, and what's important in schools!  Even better - they are people I know; people I work with; people I see in the hallways.  How cool is that?!?!   They are listed in my Blog Roll.  Check them out.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see I am not the only person that gets frustrated around here. Maybe we can vent a little, ramble on about issues or just plain blog, but know that we can all support each other in this grand plan to be the best educators we can be. This is a great start! See you in those hallways.
